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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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OpenStage - Markerless actor tracking at the Hochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences [DE]


OpenStage: Voxelansicht OpenStage: Backstage Software mit Skeleton und Kamerasichten OpenStage: Virtuelles Studio mit Jibarm und Kameras der OpenStage OpenStage: Kameras an den Traversen für das Studiolicht
OpenStage: Weitwinkel Trackingkamera OpenStage: Vision Processor OpenStage: Firewire-Anschlüsse für die Trackingkameras OpenStage: Trackingkamera befestigt in Bodennähe
OpenStage: Aufgezeichnete Bewegungen in MotionBuilder OpenStage: Plugin in Viz Artist OpenStage: Skeleton überlagert Person OpenStage: Skeleton in Viz Artist
OpenStage: SpiderFeedback - Interaktion mit einem Stellvertreterobjekt OpenStage: Cyborg mit Disk OpenStage: Avatar bricht durch den Boden OpenStage: Künstlicher Schatten, Staub und Fußabdrücke sowie ein angepasstes Display


Short Description


An OpenStage 2 system with 18 cameras from Organic Motion is installed in the Virtual Studio of the Hochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences.

The system is used for realtime control of virtual environments and virtual (tv) productions as well as for motion capturing (MoCap). Without the need of markers attached to the actors, the system can track 1 to 5 people in the working volume. The system delivers 22 position and rotation data per actor. It can be used for following example applications:

  • Control of avatars
  • Full-body interactions in space
  • Resolving the depth relation within a Virtual Studio for mask generation
  • Control of a robotic camera
  • Motion capturing (MoCap) for animations



Semi-Automatic Camera and Switcher Control for Live Broadcast
Jeff Daemen, Jens Herder, Cornelius Koch, Philipp Ladwig, Roman Wiche, and Kai Wilgen, International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video (TVX'2016), Chicago, IL, USA, ACM, DOI=10.1145/2932206.2933559, June 22-24, 2016.
Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot - Markerless Tracking and Feedback for Realtime Animation Control
Jens Herder, Jeff Daemen, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, and Isis Abdel Aziz, Virtual Realities, pp 16-32, Springer International Publishing, DOI=10.1007/978-3-319-17043-5_2, ISBN 978-3-319-17042-8, April 1st, 2015.
SpiderFeedback - Visual feedback for Orientation in Virtual TV Studios
Jonathan Simsch and Jens Herder, 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, ACE 2014, Funchal, Portugal, November 11-14, 2014.
Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot
Jose Burga, Jeff Daemen, Sascha Charlie Djuderija, Maren Gnehr, Lars Goossens, Sven Hartz, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, Jens Herder, Mohammed Ibrahim, Nikolas Koop, Christophe Leske, Laurid Meyer, Antje Müller, Björn Salgert, Richard Schroeder, and Simon Thiele, 10th International Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2013), short paper, London, November, 2013.
Markerless Actor Tracking for Virtual (TV) Studio Applications
Jeff Daemen, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, and Jens Herder, International Joint Conference on Awareness Science and Technology & Ubi-Media Computing (iCAST 2013 & UMEDIA 2013), HC-2013 Track, Hamamatsu/Aizu-Wakamatsu/Duesseldorf, November, 2013.


Actor Tracking for rule-based Camera and Switcher Control in a Virtual (TV) Studio
Production at the Virtual Studio of the Hochschule Düsseldorf, 2014 and 2015.
Explore the Grand Canyon! - Interactive Virtual Studio
Production at the Virtual Studio of the Hochschule Düsseldorf for the Studio5 day, SS 2015.
Subtle Animations using Talent Tracking in a Virtual (TV) Studio
Production at the Virtual Studio of the FH Düsseldorf, 2014.
SpiderFeedback - Rope-based, visual feedback for orientation in Virtual Studios
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2014.
VRON: Virtual Reality over Networks - FOUR METAMORPHOSIS STATES IN A DISTRIBUTED VIRTUAL (TV) STUDIO: HUMAN, CYBORG, AVATAR, AND BOT - A Virtual Studio Production of the Department of Media
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2013.
Markerloses Darsteller Tracking für Anwendungen im Virtuellen Studio
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2013.


Markerloses Moderatorentracking im virtuellen Studio unter Verwendung von Silhouetten mehrerer Kamerabilder
Jeff Daemen, Bachelor thesis, 13.5.2013
Erweiterung des markerlosen Personentrackings für virtuelle Studio Live-Animationen
Isis Abdel Aziz, Bachelor thesis, 2.12.2014
Virtuelles Studio



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