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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Explore the Grand Canyon! - Interactive Virtual Studio [DE]


Snapshot: Welcome to fabulous Studio 5 Infotag Snapshot: Hand interaction Snapshot: Avatar Snapshot: Legend follows
Snapshot: Disk Snapshot: Computer generated shadow Snapshot: Automatic Occlusion Backstage voxel view
OpenStage Backstage Studio with Jibarm Firewire Kabel of the OpenStage Camera of OpenStage at the camera robotik
Studio ceiling with Light and Cameras for the OpenSTage Camera of the OpenStage from Organic Motion Vision Processor from Organic Motion Camera robotik from Egripment


The interactive set was developed for demonstrations at the Studio 5 Day 2015 under the theme “Route 5 - Discover your way.” The Studio5 day is one of the student information days of the Faculty of Media at the Hochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences. The set shows a platform at the Grand Canyon with a beautiful view, which is accomplished by panoramas. It is impressive to see that the virtual space is not limited to the real existing space (the studio), but may show worlds without frontiers. A consistent surface representation of the platform is realised partly through shaders, which use environment maps for realistic reflections. The production was performed live, that is, tracking, rendering and compositing took place in real-time. The software for rendering is provided as part of a cooperation with Vizrt Austria. During recording, two manually operated camera systems were used: camera robotics (G-Track) and Jib-arm (JanJib) from Egripment. The camera movements create a motion parallax, so that the space unfolds and the audiences experience the depth clearly. The highlight of the production is the real-time interaction. The OpenStage system of Organic Motion is used, which comprises 18 cameras for image-based tracking of the actors. The system provides skeletal data of actors with which the virtual set is controlled. The people positions are used for resolving the deep relation between the virtual and real domain. As an example, it is shown how a person walks around a virtual bench. In addition, hands or feet can launch animations (when a hand is moved through the smoke, lamps turn on). On the body position graphical objects can be attached with correct perspective (e.g. an explanatory legend). The skeletal data also can be used to control an avatar. Ultimately, a complete interaction with the set becomes possible, which is demonstrated by throwing a virtual disk.




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Description Time  mp4
Original5:52 Min 234 MB >> 


Production team


Following members took part in the production: Jeff Daemen, Bianca Herder, Jens Herder, Philipp Ladwig, Antje Müller




Virtual Studio, Actor tracking, Interaction



Rendering software by Vizrt

Camera systems - Robotic camera (G-Track) & Jibarm (JanJib) by Egripment

Markerless actor tracking - OpenStage 2 by Organic Motion

Maciek Plewa
Creative-Commons-License „Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported“
Christian Mehlführer
Creative-Commons-License „Attribution 2.5 Generic“
Studio 5 Logo Art Work
Karin Maar
Bensound - Little Idea www.bensound.com



Subtle Animations using Talent Tracking in a Virtual (TV) Studio
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2014.
SpiderFeedback - seilwindengebundenes, visuelles Feedback im Virtuellen Studio
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2014.
VRON: Virtual Reality over Networks - Die vier Stadien in einer digitalen Welt im Virtuellen Studio: Mensch, Cyborg, Avatar, Bot - Eine Virtuelle Studio-Produktion des Fachbereich Medien
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2013.
Markerloses Darsteller Tracking für Anwendungen im Virtuellen Studio
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2013.


Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot - Markerless Tracking and Feedback for Realtime Animation Control
Jens Herder, Jeff Daemen, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, Isis Abdel Aziz. Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot - Markerless Tracking and Feedback for Realtime Animation Control, In Virtual Realities, pp 16-32, Springer International Publishing, DOI=10.1007/978-3-319-17043-5_2, ISBN 978-3-319-17042-8, April 1st, 2015.
SpiderFeedback - Visual feedback for Orientation in Virtual TV Studios
Jonathan Simsch and Jens Herder, 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, ACE 2014, Funchal, Portugal, November 11-14, 2014.
Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot
Jose Burga, Jeff Daemen, Sascha Charlie Djuderija, Maren Gnehr, Lars Goossens, Sven Hartz, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, Jens Herder, Mohammed Ibrahim, Nikolas Koop, Christophe Leske, Laurid Meyer, Antje Müller, Björn Salgert, Richard Schroeder, and Simon Thiele, 10th International Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2013), short paper, London, November, 2013.
Markerless Actor Tracking for Virtual (TV) Studio Applications
Jeff Daemen, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, and Jens Herder, International Joint Conference on Awareness Science and Technology & Ubi-Media Computing (iCAST 2013 & UMEDIA 2013), HC-2013 Track, Hamamatsu/Aizu-Wakamatsu/Duesseldorf, November, 2013.
Virtuelles Studio



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