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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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VRON: Virtual Reality over Networks - FOUR METAMORPHOSIS STATES IN A DISTRIBUTED VIRTUAL (TV) STUDIO: HUMAN, CYBORG, AVATAR, AND BOT - A Virtual Studio Production of the Department of Media [DE]


Snapshot: Flug durch das VSVR Logo Snapshot: Arena Snapshot: Schiedsrichter Snapshot: Program 1 - Cyborg
Snapshot: Program 2 - Bot Mixed Reality Labor: Steuerung des Avatars Snapshot: Avatar wirft Disk mit Schweif Snapshot: Cyborg fängt Disk
Snapshot: Bot wird getroffen und dematerialisiert sich Snapshot: Bodenplatte des Avatars wird getroffen Virtuelles Studio: Blick in die Regie Snapshot: Cyborg wirft Disk auf den Schiedsrichter
Snapshot: Schiedsrichter erschrickt Mixed Reality Labor: Feedback durch Powerwall Virtuelles Studio: Gruppenbild Virtuelles Studio: Maske muss aufgefrischt werden


The major challenge in virtual studio technology is the interaction between the actor and virtual objects. Within a distributed live production at the Department of Media, two locally separated markerless tracking systems (Open Stage) from Organic Motion where used simultaneously alongside a virtual studio. The production was based on a fully tracked actor, cyborg (half actor, half graphics), avatar, and a bot. All participants could interact and throw a virtual disc. This setup is compared and mapped to Milgram’s continuum. For the graphics, the professional software Viz Artist from Vizrt was used. Some animation data like inverse kinematics were generated using the software Unity3D. The production was done by students of the master course Media Informatics and the bachelor Media Engineering under supervision of Prof. Jens Herder, Dr. Eng. / Univ. of Tsukuba.




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Production team


Following members took part in the production: Jose Burga, Jeff Daemen, Sascha Charlie Djuderija, Maren Gnehr, Lars Goossens, Sven Hartz, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, Jens Herder, Mohammed Ibrahim, Nikolas Koop, Christophe Leske, Laurid Meyer, Antje Müller, Björn Salgert, Richard Schroeder, Simon Thiele



Markerless Actor Tracking for Virtual (TV) Studio Applications
Production at the Virtual Studio of FH Düsseldorf, 2013.
Markerless Actor Tracking for Virtual (TV) Studio Applications
Jeff Daemen, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, and Jens Herder, International Joint Conference on Awareness Science and Technology & Ubi-Media Computing (iCAST 2013 & UMEDIA 2013), Hamamatsu/Aizu-Wakamatsu/Duesseldorf, November, 2013.
Virtuelles Studio



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