Interactive Virtual Studio - MoCap - Game show "Shocked and Stacked" [DE]
The production was carried out in 2022 as part of the Interactive Virtual Studio course at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences.
The goal was interactions using markerless person tracking and electromyographic sensors, including inertial sensors
at the virtual studio.
In a game show "Shocked and Stacked", a contestant must stack discs following the rules of "Towers of Hanoi".
The second game is about the "Hot Wire", i.e. a ring has to be moved along a curved pipe,
without touching it. If there is contact, lightning flashes along the wire, which jump over to the person.
Both games have been realized purely graphically.
The graphic was rendered live with Viz Artist 4. Captury's markerless person tracking delivers
only imprecise rotations of the hand, so the inertial sensor of the myoband was used for this.
The electromyographic sensors of the myoband were used to detect opening and closing of the hand.
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Description | Laufzeit | mp4 |
Production "Shocked and Stacked" 720p50 | 7:18 Min | 590 MB >> |
Production team
Actors: Eva Bushart snd Liza Noushad Alizadeh, from the Stageschool Salomon Academy
Julia Breuer, Alexander Galperin, Jens Herder, Julia Lückhof, Antje Müller, André Raider (alphabetic order)
Virtual Studio, MoCap, Captury Live, Interaction, MyoBand, Electromyographic Sensors, Inertial Sensors, Vizrt
- Viz Artist and Tracking Hub Software from Vizrt
- Camera tracking system - Egripment/Trackmen
- Markerless Motion Tracking - Captury Live
- Virtual Studio at the Hochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences
- MyoBand
- Interaktives Virtuelles Studio - Markerlose Erfassung einer Person für Steuerung eines Moving Heads
- Produktionen der HS Düsseldorf mit der Gameengine Unreal, 2019.
- Interaktives Virtuelles Studio - Indiana Jones im Land der Studenten
- Produktionen der HS Düsseldorf mit der Gameengine Unreal, 2018.
- Mixed Reality Experience - Ein Einblick in die Virtuelle Realität unter Nutzung eines Virtuellen Studios
- Produktionen der HS Düsseldorf mit einem HMD, 2017.
- Praktikum Virtuelles Studio [2016] mit dem Thema VR
- Der Studiobetrieb wird im Praktikum Virtuelles Studio im Studiengang Medientechnik unterrichtet.
- Subtle Animations using Talent Tracking in a Virtual (TV) Studio
- Produktion im Virtuellen Studio der FH Düsseldorf, 2014.
- SpiderFeedback - seilwindengebundenes, visuelles Feedback im Virtuellen Studio
- Produktion im Virtuellen Studio der FH Düsseldorf, 2014.
- VRON: Virtual Reality over Networks - Die vier Stadien in einer digitalen Welt im Virtuellen Studio: Mensch, Cyborg, Avatar, Bot - Eine Virtuelle Studio-Produktion des Fachbereich Medien
- Produktion im Virtuellen Studio der FH Düsseldorf, 2013.
- Markerloses Darsteller Tracking für Anwendungen im Virtuellen Studio
- Produktion im Virtuellen Studio der FH Düsseldorf, 2013.
- A Lighthouse-based Camera Tracking System for Professional Virtual Studios
- Kai Vermeegen and Jens Herder, GI-VRAR, Workshop Proceedings / Tagungsband: Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität – 15. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, ISBN 978-3-8440-6215-1, Düsseldorf, pp. 19-26, Oktober, 2018.
- Mixed Reality Experience - How to Use a Virtual (TV) Studio for Demonstration of Virtual Reality Applications
- Jens Herder, Philipp Ladwig, Kai Vermeegen, Dennis Hergert, Florian Busch, Kevin Klever, Sebastian Holthausen, and Bektur Ryskeldiev, Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 1: GRAPP,
Santa Cruz, Portugal, INSTICC, DOI=10.5220/0006637502810287, Januar 27-29, 2018.
- Comparison of two Gesture Recognition Sensors for Virtual TV Studios
- (with Marina Ballester Ripoll, Jens Herder, Philipp Ladwig, and Kai Vermeegen), GI-VRAR, Workshop Proceedings / Tagungsband: Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität 13. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, ISBN 978-3-8440-4718-9, Bielefeld, September, 2016.
- Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot - Markerless Tracking and Feedback for Realtime Animation Control
- Jens Herder, Jeff Daemen, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, Isis Abdel Aziz. Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot - Markerless Tracking and Feedback for Realtime Animation Control, In Virtual Realities, pp 16-32, Springer International Publishing, DOI=10.1007/978-3-319-17043-5_2,
ISBN 978-3-319-17042-8, April 1st, 2015.
- SpiderFeedback - Visual feedback for Orientation in Virtual TV Studios
- Jonathan Simsch and Jens Herder, 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, ACE 2014, Funchal, Portugal, November 11-14, 2014.
- Four Metamorphosis States in a Distributed Virtual (TV) Studio: Human, Cyborg, Avatar, and Bot
- Jose Burga, Jeff Daemen, Sascha Charlie Djuderija, Maren Gnehr, Lars Goossens, Sven Hartz, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, Jens Herder, Mohammed Ibrahim, Nikolas Koop, Christophe Leske, Laurid Meyer, Antje Müller, Björn Salgert, Richard Schroeder, and Simon Thiele, 10th International Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2013), short paper, London, November, 2013.
- Markerless Actor Tracking for Virtual (TV) Studio Applications
- Jeff Daemen, Peter Haufs-Brusberg, and Jens Herder, International Joint Conference on Awareness Science and Technology & Ubi-Media Computing (iCAST 2013 & UMEDIA 2013), HC-2013 Track, Hamamatsu/Aizu-Wakamatsu/Duesseldorf, November, 2013.
- Virtuelle Avatare im Virtuellen Studio unter Verwendung eines markerlosen Trackings für Körper und Gesicht
- Raoul Gödel, Bachelorarbeit, 2020