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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: A Sound Spatialization Resource Management Framework

Jens Herder. A Sound Spatialization Resource Management Framework, Dr.Eng. Thesis, University of Tsukuba, July, 1999.

In a virtual reality environment, users are immersed in a scene with objects which might produce sound. The responsibility of a VR environment is to present these objects, but a practical system has only limited resources, including spatialization channels (mixels), MIDI/audio channels, and processing power. A sound spatialization resource manager, introduced in this thesis, controls sound resources and optimizes fidelity (presence) under given conditions, using a priority scheme based on psychoacoustics. Objects which are spatially close together can be coalesced by a novel clustering algorithm, which considers listener localization errors. Application programmers and VR scene designers are freed from the burden of assigning mixels and predicting sound source locations. The framework includes an abstract interface for sound spatialization backends, an API for the VR environments, and multimedia authoring tools.


sound spatialization, resource management, audio rendering, and human perception

Full paper: [Postscript gzip][PDF gzip] [Images+VRML] [Video] [Audio] [Slides] [Japanese]



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