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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Sound Spatialization Framework: An Audio Toolkit for Virtual Environments

Jens Herder. Sound Spatialization Framework: An Audio Toolkit for Virtual Environments, First International Conference on Human and Computer, Aizu-Wakamatsu, September 1998.

The Sound Spatialization Framework is a C++ toolkit and development environment for providing advanced sound spatialization for virtual reality and multimedia applications. The Sound Spatialization Framework provides many powerful display and user-interface features not found in other sound spatialization software packages. It provides facilities that go beyond simple sound source spatialization: visualization and editing of the soundscape, multiple sinks, clustering of sound sources, monitoring and controlling resource management, support for various spatialization backends, and classes for MIDI animation and handling.


sound spatialization, resource management, virtual environments, spatial sound authoring, user interface design, human-machine interfaces

Full paper: [Postscript gzip] [Postscript plain] [PDF gzip] [PDF plain] [Slides] [SF]



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