Abstract: Implementation of Aural Attributes for Simulation of Room Effects in Virtual Environments
Kenji Suzuki, Yuji Nishoji, and Jens Herder. Implementation of Aural Attributes for Simulation of Room Effects in Virtual Environments, ACM Multimedia 2000, ACM, Los Angeles, October, 439-441, 2000.
The audio design for virtual environments includes simulation of
acoustical room properties besides specifying sound sources and sinks
and their behavior. Virtual environments supporting room reverberation
not only gain realism but also provide additional information to the
user about surrounding space. Catching the
different sound properties by the different spaces requires
partitioning the space by the properties of aural spaces. We define
soundscape and aural attributes as an application and multimedia
content interface. Calculated data on an abstract level is sent to
spatialization backends. Part of this research was the implementation
of a device driver for the Roland Sound Space Processor. This
device not only directionalizes sound sources, but also controls room
effects like reverberation.
Aural attributes, Room effects, Acoustic displays, Virtual environments
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