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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Perceptual criteria for eliminating reflectors and occluders from the rendering of environmental sound

William L. Martens and Jens Herder. Perceptual criteria for eliminating reflectors and occluders from the rendering of environmental sound, 137th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 2nd Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Berlin, March 1999.

Given limited computational resources available for rendering spatial sound imagery, it is important to determine effective means for choosing what components of the rendering will provide the most audible differences in the results. Rather than begin with an analytic approach that attempts to predict audible differences on the basis of objective parameters, subjective tests were executed to determine the audible difference made by two types of sound obstruction: reflectors and occluders. Single-channel recordings of 90 short speech sounds were made in an anechoic chamber in the presence and absence of these two types of obstructions, and as the angle of those obstructions varied over a 90-deg range. These recordings were reproduced over a single loudspeaker in that anechoic chamber, and listeners were asked to rate how confident they were that the recording of each of these 90 stimuli included an obstruction. The results revealed the conditions under which these obstructions have a significant impact on the perceived spatial image. These confidence ratings were incorporated into an evaluation function used in determining which reflectors and occluders are most important for rendering.


audio rendering, sound spatialization resource management, level of detail, occluder, first-order reflection, human perception

Full paper: [Postscript gzip] [Slides] [Video]



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