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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Spatial Audio for Augmented Reality

Katharina Garbe, Iris Herbst, and Jens Herder. Spatial Audio for Augmented Reality, 10th International Conference on Human and Computer, Duesseldorf/Aizu-Wakamatsu/Tokyo, pp. 53-58, December, 2007.

Using spatial audio successfully for augmented reality (AR) applications is a challenge, but is awarded with an improved user experience. Thus, we have extended the AR/VR framework Morgan with spatial audio to improve users orientation in an AR application. In this paper, we investigate the users' capability to localize and memorize spatial sounds (registered with virtual or real objects). We discuss two scenarios. In the first scenario, the user localizes only sound sources and in the second scenario the user memorizes the location of audio-visual objects. Our results reflect spatial audio performance within the application domain and show which technology pitfalls still exist. Finally, we provide design recommendations for spatial audio AR environments.


spatial audio, augmented reality, sound interaction




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