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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Articulation simulation for an intelligent dental care system

Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Jens Herder, Karol Myszkowski, Oleg Okunev, Galina G. Okuneva and Masumi Ibusuki. Articulation simulation for an intelligent dental care system. Displays, 15(3):181-188, 1994.

CAD/CAM techniques are used increasingly in dentistry for design and fabrication of teeth restorations. An important issue is preserving occlusal contacts of teeth after restoration. Traditional techniques based on the use of casts with mechanical articulators require manual adjustment of occlusal surface, which becomes impractical when hard restoration materials like porcelain are used; they are also time and labor consuming. Most existing computer systems ignore completely such an articulation check, or perform the check at the level of a tooth and its immediate neighbors. We present a new mathematical model and a related user interface for global articulation simulation, developed for the Intelligent Dental Care System project. The aim of the simulation is elimination of the use of mechanical articulators and manual adjustment in the process of designing dental restorations and articulation diagnostic. The mathematical model is based upon differential topological modeling of the jaws considered as a mechanical system. The user interface exploits metaphors that are familiar to dentists from everyday practice. A new input device designed specifically for use with articulation simulation is proposed.




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