Abstract: Information Retrieval and Database Architecture for
Conventional Japanese Character Dictionaries
Lothar M. Schmitt, Jens Herder, and Subhash Bhalla. Information Retrieval and Database Architecture for
Conventional Japanese Character Dictionaries CT'97 - Second International
Cognitive Technology Conference, Aizu, pp. 200-217, IEEE Press, ISBN 0-8186-8084-9, August 1997.
The cycle of abstraction-reconstruction which occurs as a fundamental principle in the development of culture and in cognitive processes is described and analyzed.
This approach leads to recognition of boundary conditions for and directions of probable development of cognitive tools.
It is shown how the transition from a conventional Japanese-English character dictionary to a multi-dimensional language database is an instance of such an abstraction-reconstruction cycle.
The different phases of the design of a multi-dimensional language database based upon different computer software technologies are properly placed in this cycle.
The methods used include the use of UNIX software tools, classical database methods as-well-as the use of search engines based upon full text search in this process.
Several directions of application and extension for a multi-dimensional language database are discussed from the general point of view of an abstraction-reconstruction cycle.
abstraction-reconstruction cycle, dictionary, UNIX, database, retrieval methods, hypertext, search engine
Copyright 1997 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of CT'97,
August 25-28, 1997 in Aizu, Japan. Personal use of this material
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