Sound Spatialization Resource Management


Jens Herder, Michael Cohen, "Sound Spatialization Resource Management in Virtual Reality Environments", ASVA'97 - International Symposium on Simulation, Visualization and Auralization for Acoustic Research and Education - ASJ, Tokyo, April, 1997.


For best results in the following demonstration, which contains HRTF-processed sound, we recommend that you listen using high-quality stereo headphones. If you need the files in a different format, let us know. We tried to reduce the movie file size by reducing the image quality, but for the audio we use full CD quality.
  • Sound Spatialization Resource Visualizer [quicktime] (15.0 MB) [wav] (9.2 MB) [aiff] (9.2 MB)
    manual The left side shows the virtual reality environment. On the right, the sound spatialization resource visualizer let us monitor in a graphical way active and passive sound sources.
  • Clustering of sound sources [quicktime] (2.2 MB)
    manual On the right side again, the spatialization resource visualizer let us monitor the clustering algorithm. The dark blue spheres are sources which are requested for spatialization. The resource manager clusters sound sources to use resources (e.g., spatialization channels) efficiently. The light blue spheres represent virtual sources which enbody one cluster.
  • Audible range [quicktime] (4.8 MB)
    manual The virtual reality environment (i.e., the vr designer) specifies an audible range for sound sources. The spatialization resource visualizer has a mode to show the ranges and help to monitor and "debug" the soundscape.

  • created by Minefumi Hirose and Itaru Kouzuma
    maintained by Jens Herder
    Tue Apr 1 07:39:19 JST 1997