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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Distributed Metaverse: Creating Decentralized Blockchain-based Model for Peer-to-peer Sharing of Virtual Spaces for Mixed Reality Applications

Bektur Ryskeldiev, Yoichi Ochiai, Michael Cohen, Jens Herder. Distributed Metaverse: Creating Decentralized Blockchain-based Model for Peer-to-peer Sharing of Virtual Spaces for Mixed Reality Applications, Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, ACM, DOI=10.1145/3174910.3174952, Februar 7-9, 2018.

Mixed reality telepresence is becoming an increasingly popular form of interaction in social and collaborative applications. We are interested in how created virtual spaces can be archived, mapped, shared, and reused among different applications. Therefore, we propose a decentralized blockchain-based peer-to-peer model of distribution, with virtual spaces represented as blocks. We demonstrate the integration of our system in a collaborative mixed reality application and discuss the benefits and limitations of our approach.


Blockchain, Groupware, Mixed Reality, Mobile Computing, Photospherical Imagery, Social Media, Spatial Media, Telepresence




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