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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: A Database Driven and Virtual Reality supported Environment for Marketing Studies

Tom Novotny, Kai Jaensch, and Jens Herder. A Database Driven and Virtual Reality supported Environment for Marketing Studies, Journal of the 3D-Forum Society, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 95-101, December 2005.

In today's market research mechanisms multi modal technologies are significant tools to perform flexible and price efficient studies for not only consumer products but also consumer goods. Current appraisal mechanisms in combination with applied computer graphics can improve the assessment of a product's launch in the very early design phase or an innovation process. The combination of online questionnaires, Virtual Reality (VR) applications and a database management system offers a powerful tool to let a consumer judge products as well as innovated goods even without having produced a single article. In this paper we present an approach of consumer good studies consisting of common as well as interactive VR product presentations and online questionnaires bases on a bidirectional database management solution to configure and manage numerous studies, virtual sets, goods and participants in an effective way to support the estimation of the received data. Non-programmers can create their test environment including a VR scenario very quickly without any effort. Within the extensive knowledge of consumer goods, marketing instruments can be de- fined to shorten and improve the rollout process in the early product stages.


virtual environments, databases, marketing studies




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