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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Autonomous Low-Cost Measurement System - Optimization and evaluation of a mobile AR application [DE]

Philipp Heise, Autonomous Low-Cost Measurement System - Optimization and evaluation of a mobile AR application, Hochschule Düsseldorf, Master Thesis, 10.02.2023.

In this thesis, the prototype of the app ALCOS, which was created in a previous master thesis, is further developed. ALCOS makes it possible to use the LiDAR scanner of an iPad or iPhone to scan an excavation pit and determine its volume. The focus for the further development is the creation of a user interface, the testing and improvement of algorithms and the evaluation of the finished app. It will be investigated how the LiDAR of an iPad works and how to design a user interface for an augmented reality application to ensure a good usability. Furthermore, it will be researched how to evaluate a UI. To find out what can be further improved in ALCOS besides the UI, the prototype was studied in detail. In the process, the main areas that have come up for improvement are the detection of disturbing bodies and the setting of the lid. Accordingly, it will be explained in more detail how a disturbing body detection algorithm based on the shadow volume algorithm has been imple- mented and how the lid setting has been improved using a triangulated irregular network. The app was evaluated for usability through heuristic principles as well as with the help of a user test. In order to find out how accurate the measurement results are, field tests were conducted in addition to tests on a test body.


Volume determination, augmented reality, excavation pit, Lidar, MAR, UX, UI, TIN


Prof. Jens Herder, Dr. Eng./Univ. of Tsukuba
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Jarosch


The research took place at the Virtual Sets and Virtual Environments Laboratory.




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