stsmidi by Kimitaka Ishikawa

SCSI Terminal Server

Central Data SCSI Terminal Server (ST-1800) is installed in our system. This device extends serial ports by using SCSI bus. ST-1800 can connect 8 serial devices (e.g., modem, space ball, MIDI keyboard). However, STS's serial ports are not suitable for SGI MIDI daemon because special initialization is needed.


stsmidi relays MIDI message between STS serial port and SGI MIDI interface. This program polls MIDI stream (sequence of bytes) from STS serial port and then, generate MIDI events (data structure for SGI MIDI library) and send to virtual MIDI device.
Although it is not supported in current version, opposite direction of relaying is possible.

How to Use

stsmidi [-h] [-o interface_name] device_name
device name
Name of serial port (STS) device file (/dev/ttyd04[0-7]).
-o interface name
This option specifies virtual MIDI device to correspond with the serial port. If the virtual MIDI device named interface name is not exist, a new virtual device is created. By default, "Software Synth" is chosen.
This option prints help message.


If you want to see MIDI events from MIDI keyboard connected with STS (3rd port), type as follows:
% printmidi
% stsmidi -o "MIDI print" /dev/ttyd042

Note: stsmidi is installed in /usr1/Piano/SpatializationFramework/sts/stsmidi [an error occurred while processing this directive]