Open Inventor - Engines

for the Workshop ----on Apr. 4th & 5th,

and the Workshop ----on Jul. 17th & 18th.


Engines are classes of Open Inventor objects. You use them in the following situation.

Structure of Engines

Types of Engines & Their Fields

The followings are some examples of engines grouped according to their operations.
  1. Arithmetic engines
    • SoCalculator
    • SoBoolOperation
    • SoInterpolateFloat, SoInterpolateRotation, SoInterpolateVec2f, SoInterpolateVec3f, SoInterpolateVec4f
    • SoTransformVec3f
    • SoComposeVec2f, SoDecomposeVec2f, SoComposeVec3f, SoDecomposeVec3f, SoComposeVec4f, SoDecomposeVec4f, SoComposeRotaion, SoDecomposeRotaion, SoComposeMatrix, SoDecomposeMatrix
    • SoComputeBoundingBox
  2. Animation engines
    • SoElapsedTime
    • SoOneShot
    • SoTimeCounter
  3. Triggered engines
    • SoCounter
    • SoOnOff
    • SoTriggerAny
    • SoGate
  4. Engines used for array mannipulation
    • SoSelectOne
    • SoConcatenate

Animation Engines

Of course, Animation Engines are used for animating objects. Animation is related to time deeply, so each of engines is related to realTime global field.

Elapled-Time Engine

If you want to use time, this engine will help you. This is a basic, but important stopwatch.

One-Shot Engine

This engine is for time, too. In case of this engine, you can use preset timer.

Time-Counter Engine

Another engine for time (for animation) is a Time-Counter Engine. This is for the time-counter. Its output is the current count, so you can synchronize one event with another event. This is its distinctive feature.

Samples of Animation Engines

Gate Engine

Gate Engine works like a gate which selects the value from the input and copies it to output.

Samples of Gate Engine

Arithmetic Engines

All inputs and outputs in Arithmetic Engines are multiple-value (MF) fields. If you use values of type SoSF, they are changed to MF fields automatically. Besides it, if inputs are arrays, outputs are also arrays. You can use different values of inputs.

Boolean Engine

Boolean Engine operates Boolean operations. For example, when you want one object to move depending on another object, you should use Boolean Engine.

Calculator Engine

Calculator Engine is for calculation similar to Boolean operations, but it is for more general.

Other Samples

I refered to "The Inventor Mentor" written by Josie Wernecke. (published by ADDISON - WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY)