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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Symbolic representations of exclude and include for audio sources and sinks: Figurative suggestions of mute/solo & cue and deafen/confide & harken

Michael Cohen and Jens Herder. Symbolic representations of exclude and include for audio sources and sinks: Figurative suggestions of mute/solo & cue and deafen/confide & harken, Virtual Environments 98, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop, Stuttgart, pp. 235-242, Springer-Verlag/Wien, ISBN 3-211-83233-5, 1998..

Shared virtual environments require generalized control of user-dependent media streams. Traditional audio mixing idioms for enabling and disabling various sources employ mute and solo functions, which, along with cue, selectively disable or focus on respective channels. Exocentric interfaces which explicitly model not only spatial audio sources, but also location, orientation, directivity, and multiplicity of sinks, motivate the generalization of mute/solo & cue to exclude and include, manifested for sinks as deafen/confide & harken, a narrowing of stimuli by explicitly blocking out and/or concentrating on selected entities. This paper introduces figurative representations of these functions, virtual hands to be clasped over avatars' ears and mouths, with orientation suggesting the agent of the blocking. Applications include groupware for collaboration and teaching, teleconferencing and chat spaces, and authoring and manipulation of distributed virtual environments.


CSCW (computer-supported collaborative work), groupware, narrowcasting functions, articulated mixing console


The article is an extended version of the paper which was distributed with the proceedings at the conference.




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