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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Spatial Media Group: Sound for Virtual Reality Environments

Jens Herder, Michael Cohen and William L. Martens. Sound for Virtual Reality Environments, University of Aizu Forum for University-Industry Cooperation, November 1997.

Our basic theme is realtime synthesis of the sight and sound of a virtual reality (VR) environment, including multimodal display and interaction involving multiparameter, time-dependent data streams. Graphics alone cannot create a sense of "place" for the user, and do not usually make users feel as if they are present in the virtual environment. Sound is critically important in achieving such results with VR systems. It can be used to enhance immersion, to help orient the user in the virtual environment, and to allow for communication between user and the system and/or other users. We are engaged in creating a portable, scalable module for supporting virtual reality systems with realistic sound synthesis and spatial sound choreography. For instance, a MIDI data stream, arriving from a sequencer or generated by realtime keyboard performance, can be interpreted in several ways besides musical synthesis, including HRTF-based processing to spatialize the synthesized musical notes according to listener position, animation of a graphical representation (like a helical keyboard) by the MIDI data stream, and interpretation using multiple sinks, which are multiple instantiations of the user at various positions within the space. After a short introduction to spatial sound, a model of the Pioneer Sound Field Control (PSFC) System in the Multimedia Center is shown with the virtual helical keyboard performing a piece of music.

3D Audio Rendering Technology

3D graphics rendering technology has been recognized by Japanese industry as a core technology for many years. 3D audio rendering technology has come to the attention of Japanese industry more recently, and may be regarded as less mature. The next generation 3D audio rendering technology is currently under development at the University of Aizu. Newly developed audio signal processing algorithms promise to revolutionize both the audible quality and computational efficiency of the sonic component of virtual reality and multimedia systems. The improved technology has widespread application in communications in general, and should be commercially marketable within the next few years. Concrete examples of these applications that can be demonstrated by researchers at the University of Aizu include binaural teleconferencing, 3D music and sound effects processing, and coordination of 3D audio with 3D graphics for video presentations.



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