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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: PSFC: the Pioneer Sound Field Control System at the University of Aizu Multimedia Center

Katsumi Amano, Fumio Matsushita, Hirofumi Yanagawa, Michael Cohen, Jens Herder, Yoshiharu Koba, and Mikio Tohyama. The Pioneer Sound Field Control System at the University of Aizu Multimedia Center RO-MAN'96 - 5th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, Tsukuba, November 1996. 10.1109/ROMAN.1996.568887.

The PSFC, or Pioneer Sound Field Control System, is a DSP-driven hemispherical 14-loudspeaker array, installed at the University of Aizu Multimedia Center. Collocated with a large screen rear-projection stereographic display, the PSFC features realtime control of virtual room characteristics and direction of two separate sound channels, smoothly steering them around a configurable soundscape. The PSFC controls an entire sound field, including sound direction, virtual distance, and simulated environment (reverb level, room size and liveness) for each source. It can also configure a dry (DSP-less) switching matrix for direct directionalization. The PSFC speaker dome is about 14 m in diameter, allowing about twenty users at once to comfortably stand or sit near its sweet spot.




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