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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: HDR-based lighting estimation for virtual studio (TV) environments

Jens Herder, Christian Neider, and Shinichi Kinuwaki. HDR-based lighting estimation for virtual studio (TV) environments, 10th International Conference on Human and Computer, Duesseldorf/Aizu-Wakamatsu/Tokyo, pp. 111-117, December, 2007.

Two high dynamic range (HDR) environments maps based on video streams from fish-eye lens cameras are used for generating virtual lights in a virtual set renderer. The task of realistic virtual light setup of scenes using captured environment maps might be eased as well as visual quality improves. We discuss the light setting problem for virtual studio (TV) productions which have mixed scenes of real objects, actors, virtual objects and virtual backgrounds. Benefits of HDR interactive light control are that the real light in the studio does not have to be remodeled and the artistic impression by using the light in the studio is also captured. An analysis of system requirements identifies technical challenges. We discuss the properties of a prototype system including test production.


HDR environment maps, light interaction, tracking, virtual set environments, virtual studios, video processing




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