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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Augmented reality for supporting manual non-destructive ultrasonic testing of metal pipes and plates

Robert Deppe, Oliver Nemitz, Jens Herder, Augmented reality for supporting manual non-destructive ultrasonic testing of metal pipes and plates, Düsseldorf, GI-VRAR, ISBN 978-3-8440-6215-1, pp. 45-52, October, 2018.

We describe an application of augmented reality technology for non-destructive testing of products in the metal-industry. The prototype is created with hard- and software, that is usually employed in the gaming industry, and delivers positions for creating ultra- sonic material scans (C-scans). Using a stereo camera in combination with an hmd enables realtime visualisation of the probes path, as well as the setting of virtual markers on the specimen. As a part of the implementation the downhill simplex optimization algorithm is implemented to fit the specimen to a cloud of recorded surface points. The accuracy is statistically tested and evaluated with the result, that the tracking system is accurate up to ca. 1-2 millimeters in well set-up conditions. This paper is of interest not only for research institutes of the metal-industry, but also for any areas of work, in which the enhancement with augmented reality is possible and a precise tracking is necessary.


Nondestructive Testing, Ultrasonic, Augmented Reality, Tracking, Stereo camera, head mounted display, NDT, AR




Description Time  mp4
Demo Augmented reality for supporting manual non-destructive ultrasonic testing of metal pipes and plates01:09 Min68,7 MB >> 





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