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Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

Labor für Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität

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Abstract: Recordings of interaction with a Head-Mounted Display in a Mixed Reality Environment [DE]

Dennis Hergert, Recordings of interaction with a Head-Mounted Display in a Mixed Reality Environment, Hochschule Düsseldorf, Bachelor thesis, 2.7.2018.

Thanks to the latest developments, the use of virtual reality unfolds more than ever before. Head-Mounted Displays made it possible to dive into a three-dimensional virtual world and to interact with it. However, for people who see a person discovering virtual spaces, it is usually hard to understand how the protagonist interacts with the virtual world. Therefore, it requires a display form, which shows the user of the HMD in the virtual world in order to classify its actions. Currently it is also possible to integrate external cameras into the systems in order to create a virtual camera and thus move in the virtual space. The image of the real camera, combined with a green- / bluescreen, a colorkeyer and the view of the virtual camera can be combined by the data of another tracker to create a mixed reality. In the following, different display modes are explained and compared, tracking protocols analyzed in order to find an interface between external tracking systems and the render engine of an application of an HMD. The following is a look at the application areas of such systems and a semiprofessional system setup with the HTC Vive. Just as an idea of how an external camera could be embedded in the rendering process to get a more professional shot.


Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Head-Mounted Display, Virtual Studio, Camera Tracking


Prof. Jens Herder, Dr. Eng./Univ. of Tsukuba
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bonse


The research took place at the Virtual Sets and Virtual Environments Laboratory.




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